Thursday, January 31, 2019
Television and Media Essay - Daytime Talk TV -- Media Argumentative Pe
Daytime utter Television Daytime sing television is certainly controversial. There be those who find these types of parades informative and jockstrapful. There ar some others who view these shows as diminished and inappropriate. I agree with the latter. Daytime talk television is pointless and it throws square that should not appear on television. I believe that some talk shows need to be removed from the airwaves and not seen again. When looking at twenty-four hours talk television, once gutter see that there are twain main styles, which are apparent when looking at the content and elan at which they are presented. There are show like Ricki Lake, jennet Jones, and the infamous Jerry Springer who bring guests by onto the stage and exploit their problems and in no way try to help the guest through some(prenominal) is bothering them. These hosts have shows whose topics range from cheating spouses to homosexual crushes. Jenny Jones hosted a show in which a homosexual man confessed his interest in a heterosexual man. This turned out to be a homicide wooing, a geminate days after the show. The conflict is rarely resolved and most of the multiplication the situation is made worse and more complicated, as in the case of the homosexuals murder. These shows simply parade people with little shame for their behavior. These shows are out to be wild and crazy and make money, with no regard for those who help them achieve this. The other talk shows that appear on television, however, tend to be very constructive and are working to some goal. These shows deal with peoples feelings, conflicts and experiences and present them to the audience to help council them or guide them through common struggles that other people are dealing with . Oprah... ...It turns out that Oprah is one of the few positive talk shows on television. I believe that Oprah is trying to make support better for others and so I approve of her work. On the other hand, daylight talk television is only entertainment and a display of dismal values. It should not be allowed to portray several of the ideas that it does. As Merry doubting Thomas states, I would love to see new shows on television which are wholesome and appropriate for viewers of all ages. This is an excellent idea because we can all learn good things from good values. Works Cited Gaines, Donna. How Jenny Jones rescue my Life. The Village Voice 1995. Greene, Leonard. Talk Shows Need to Take Responsibility for Content. The capital of Massachusetts Herald. October 30, 1995. Thomas, Merry. Telephone Interview. 27 Feb. 2002 Thomas, Rhett. Telephone Interview. 27 Feb. 2002
The Metaphors of Conrads Heart of Darkness Essays -- Heart Darkness e
The Metaphors of feel of Darkness at bottom the text of aggregate of Darkness, the reader is presented with many metaphors. Those that recur, and be most clutch and notable, are light and darkening, nature and Kurtz and Marlow. The repeated use of light and dark imagery represents civilization and oldness, and of course the eternal meaning of good and evil. However, the much in depth the reader goes the more complex it be counts. Complex in like manner are the meanings behind the metaphors of nature included within the text. It represents a repugn for the colonists, often besides signifying decay and degeneration. Finally Kurtz and Marlow represent imperialism and the colonists. All these metaphors come together and contribute not only to the effect for the reader, but also to the overall meaning. From the very moment Marlow speaks the reader is presented with light and dark imagery. It should be noted, however, that tail seems to dominate. The light and dark, being bi nary oppositions, come to represent some other binary oppositions, such as civilized and uncivilized, and of course good and evil. The primitive savages are described as dark, both literally in regards to disrobe tone, but also in attitude and inwardly. Marlow calls the natives at the first range black shadows of disease and starvation (Conrad 20). A littler further into the text, Marlow is scare by what he is seeing, by the darkness he and the reader are being presented with. These are both excellent examples of the negativity towards the natives throughout the book. So, the darkness of the natives is a metaphor for their supposed incivility, evilness and primitiveness. However, if the reader looks a little deeper, they can see that this darkness also ... Search for the Unconscious. Boston Twayne Publishers, 1987. Conrad, Joseph Heart of Darkness. 3rd ed. unseasoned York Norton, 1997 Csicseri, Coreen. Themes and Structure of Heart of Darkness. Heart of Darkness by Jose ph Conrad 6 December 1998. Available <http//> (2 May 2001). Dunson, David. The symbol of the Wilderness in Heart of Darkness. 3 November 1999. Available <http//> (2 may 2001). Harkness, Bruce. Conrads Heart of Darkness and the Critics. Belmont, Cal. Wadsworth, 1965. Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness, A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism , ed. Ross C. Murfin. New York St. Martins Press, 1989. Rosmarin, Adena. Darkening the Reader Criticism and Heart of Darkness. ed. Ross C. Murfin. New York St. Martins Press, 1989.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Baz luhrmann’s interpretation of Romeo and Juliet Essay
Shakespeare uses a prologue at the start of his play for a number of reasons. Firstly, it acts as an introduction to the story. We learn about the rivalry betwixt the two families, quaint Grudge it equalwise shamblings free that it is a tragic story of two star crossd lovers who are destined to die because of their families hatred. The prologue is exchangeable the opening to a film because both need to grab your attention. The climb of Baz Luhrmanns Romeo and Juliet is in the west coast of America, in a setting, which he calls Verona Beach.However this is not true as the beachs corpo existent name is Venice Beach but the reason why he uses this is because it reminds everyone where William Shakespeare in truth set the play, he set the play in Verona so by changing the name he has do quite a noteworthy thing by making sure everyone knows where it is set. The other reasons why he filmed Romeo and Juliet in the west coast of America is because Los Angeles is a freehand cit y just resembling Verona and because there is also a stack of delirium and gangs in Los Angeles just like Verona.The types of film Baz Luhrmann employ in the prologue are TV watchword style footage turn uping you how much of their combat is causing their city to be more violent, as hale as this they are trying to say that what is happening between the Montagues and the Capulets has an effect on the stay of the city. By doing the prologue, as TV news footage is a clever thing to do, as it is an original idea and by doing it in this way it will keep the audience hooked to the rest of the movie. Another reason why Baz Luhrmann used TV news footage is because it shows the ferocity in Verona.When the camera shakes, the jumpy effect bugger offs you think the violence is real and also is very dangerous. This makes the audience hooked to the movie. The director uses a spokesperson over to read out the prologue. The actor reading the prologue played the non-Christian priest. The priest Friar Lawrence is appropriate because he knows both sides of the story. His voice is deep, sorrowful and sad. His bank bill of voice is meant to be serious so everyone will be influenced by what he says about the circumstances surrounding the storyline and take him seriously. in like manner by making the priest read the prologue it shows that he is aware of the perspective surrounding both the families and the effect it has on the rest of the city and the serious-mindedness of the situation. Not only did they use a voice over, they used captions with unmingled letters and people shouting to grab our attention. This keeps us hooked and automatic to watch the rest of the movie. He says this in a deep American accent, although as we know, he is not really an American but an Englishman.Luhrmann uses oddment to interesting shots in the opening sequences, such as close-ups, because it is important as it shows their facial expression and the body language used, making it more practical(prenominal) and interesting, thereby attaining the interest of the audience. He also uses long shots (establishing shots) to show the all told city from the helicopter as it gives an overall view of what is happening in the city as a whole, focusing your attention to contrastive protrude of the city.He uses medium shots because it is ideal for introducing characters as it concentrates on how they appear on first sight and the impact they have on the audience. He uses spicy angle shots so that you can see what is going on like a birds eye view, showing a character in counterweight and comparison to the rest of the city. He also zooms into the statue of Christ and the two buildings to show how important they are and to make them stand out from the rest of the city, by attracting the attention of the audience and thereby making them focus on the zoomed objects, fully grown them the utmost importance.He also uses fades and cuts. Fades are when the scene goes black. Fa des are to close the scene and go on to another part of the story. Cuts are used to show what may be happening in another part of the story, maybe at the same time of the scene that has just been showed. He also uses freeze carcasss. One example of a freeze frame was in the scene of the Montague boys, when the characters are still for some time. He also uses wipes to speed up the scenes from the film.The reasons he used these effects could be because they make the story faster and more intense, and tries to show how different the atmosphere in certain scenes are. Baz Luhrmann used operatic and church music as well as dramatic and religious music, because they all tie in with ideas of mass etc. This music is ancient like the families and the story. When the Montague boys come they have different music. They use ping style music to show that they are untested and modern and part of a gang.Luhrmann uses different sound effects like gunshots, kick upstairss, helicopters, brakes and loud music when they show the Montague boys. The reason why he uses these is because this is meant to be a tense city with a lot of violence and by showing it like this he is to make the audience olfaction like it still happens in modern times. The director uses images and symbols to focus on emphasizing peace and religion. He uses a statue of Christ because it shows everyone what it represents. The statue represents peace and refers to the Catholic religion.By doing this, they are trying to make the viewer think that Verona postulate peace. He also emphasizes on the two towers, because they show the rivalry between Montague and Capulet and the wealth of the families. It also represents both families having a say about what happens in the city. He also uses fire as a symbol, as fire represents danger, death and hell. Everything that is happening in Verona is due to the families. He also uses estrus as a symbol, because as we know, passion is the theme of the story passim as bot h Romeo and Juliet are madly in love.In conclusion, it is clear to see that the director is trying to open the play up to a more modern audience such as teenagers. He has made it appealing to the youthful target audience by hiring young captivating actors to play Romeo and Juliet. He also uses flashy equipment such as guns and cars to make the story appear more modern and to try to attract the young audience. He also uses different music to show the personality, e. g. when the Montague boys come, the music changes to rap music, as they are young and modern. Lurhmann also uses different styles like fire visual tricks to attract their attention.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Individual Management/Leadership Style
There are few, if any, hotter topics in management, business concern and organization theory at the present time than attractorship. provideership is the close off at the top of the model of a sendd group, non because it is more(prenominal) or less important, but because it is the ultimate goal of an effective, efficient group. A good loss filler shares debt instrument and glory, is supportive and fair, creates a climate of trust and openness, and is a good coach and teacher. Yet the test of a truly good leader is that the team operates as smoothly whether the leader is present or absent. caper solving, decision making, team conflict and conflict resolution are aboriginal leaders activities. Rarely, are there any dead certainties in the gentlemans gentleman of business especially in the up-to-the-minute and fore trip up adequate to(p) climate of uncertainty, equivocalness and paradox. Fear of failure, consequent risk-aversion and reluctance to move very far from safe and sound ground or comfort zones evict severely limit the quality relevancy and nature of decisions taken by those in managerial and leadership maps (Autry 50).Problem solvingSuccessful business solving involves a search for the best bother space as hygienic as the best program. Problem solving involves processing information. This is a three stage process1. Recognizing the tax environment. First, one perceives the events, interprets these invents and recognizes the nature of the taske.g. notice uneasiness in the office and see that the task is to lay how the disquiet can be resolved.2. Transformation into the persons enigma space. Next one views the task in a specific bureau. present one has to be quite specific ab come in the goalwhat has to be done, where one stands in relationship to the goal and what kinds of acts fill to be carried out in order to reach the goal. For example, from experience one will receive that one cannot jump to any quick conclusions mor e or less the source of the disquiet in the office but will know how to set roughly finding out the source of the disquiet.3. Processing the data and moving towards the goal. Depending on how the problem space has been conceived, one uses various kinds of information take backn with the problem or drawn from memory to process the data so as to move towards the problem solution. For example, in the illustration one will oblige had experience, of diagnosing problems of unrest in the office and will be able to call upon this experience along with information noted which is specific to the current situation in the office.In the course of working through the above move the problem convergent thinker will notice whether any of the steps or series of steps he or she makes reduces the distance to the goali.e. firmness or solving the problem. If this expects to be the case then the problem solver will continue with that line of enquiry. If the steps do not seem to be productive then a lternative steps will be followed. Progress and search for solutions are related to constant feedback of information obtained from nation and objects in the problem situation.Problem solving involves the search for the most favored programs. However, successful problem solving whitethorn not so much be a search for a successful program as a search for the best problem space. It would seem, however, that both are required to affix the likelihood of finding good solutions to problems.Decision makingDecision making is effective when the leader is sensitive of and uses many methods to arrive at decisions. Consensus is a lot touted as the best way to make decisionsand it is an excellent method and probably not used practically enough. barely the team the leaser to a fault uses majority bump, expert decision, authority rule with discussion, and other methods.Effective decision making is essential to a teams progress estimationlly, leaders that are asked to solve problems should besides be possessed of the baron and authority to go for solutions. They essential have a grasp of various decision-making methods, their advantages and disadvantages, and when and how to use each. leading that choose the right decision-making methods at the right time will not only save time, but they will also most often make the best decisions.A key aspect of the leaders decision-making style, in bringing close productive synergy, is the ability to create opportunities for dialogue and shared reflection with others which lead to joint ownership of problems, solutions and decisions. Communication is life-or-death in the natural reading of synergy. Simple techniques such as the use of open-ended questions can benefactor to strengthen rapport as a necessary preliminary to bakshish communicating, eg How could we do that better? What would be a viable option that would sanctify us x but would avoid doing y? What would you really like to see gamble here? What would you do? What would you do next? and then? How could we make 50,000 deliver on the first stage of project ABC? Lets take your idea of starting with product development then lets see it from marketings perspective, before we endow to a decision. I like your proposal lets build on that and see if we can improve on Grahams target.The asking of open questions, in a non-threatening, non-judgmental way, with grab attendant body language, eg nodding, mirroring posture and gesture, reinforcing and adding to the others contributions are simple, but crucial techniques for full-grown positive messages of approval and encouragement. A demonstrable shift from authoritarian to supportively authorised demeanour may be essential, before peak communication, synergy and flow indicating private authenticity in decision making can come about between people, with the resultant mutual and shared payoffs.In the interests of both operational synergy and strategic crossfunctional interdependence, so-calle d private intending in decision making necessarily to function at a level which reconciles the need for fast, adaptable idiosyncratic initiative, on the one hand, with necessary cooperative responses, on the other. As organisations reduce, hierarchically, and deform flatter structures, with greater emphasis upon project team working, so decision-making involve to be considered increasingly, as a natural team process, as well as an individual role prerogative particularly as crucial end results come more and more to depend, ultimately, upon willing and accountable collaborative effort.Team meshA team is a group of people who share a common purpose and work in a coordinated and interdependent relationship. Teams jock constituents create a positive culture one identified by high-trust levels. Team relationships allow members to align with the culture and the teams purposes. They lead to synergy. Successful leaders who commit to and deliver outstanding results, do so as a re sult of the effective leadership and management of their teams. They perceive that their route to success is, inevitably through engaging, focusing and mobilizing others brainpower, horsepower and commitment.Team alliance engages the mental and emotional affair of leaders and followers that is, the involvement of the members egos as well as their physical and mental capacities. Teaming also asks members to exercise their creative self and to increase their personal sense of responsibility through involvement. Team members need to recognize that the corporation wants their total involvement. And, when given, involvement increases the members sense of responsibility and ownership for the corporation and its results.If communication is the most important team characteristic, participation is the second most important. Without participation, you dont have a team you have a group of bodies. Balanced participation ensures that everyone on the team is fully involved. It does not mean th at if you have basketball team people each is speaking 20 percent of the time. Talking is not necessarily a measure of participation. We all know people who emit a lot and say nothing. It does mean that each individual is lend when its appropriate. The more a team involves all of its members in its activities, the more liable(predicate) that team is to experience a high level of commitment and synergy (Depree 52).Balanced participation means that each team member joins the discussion when his or her contribution is pertinent to the team assignment. It also means that everyones opinions are desire and valued by others on the team. Participation is everyones responsibility. As a team moves from a forming stage to more mature stages of group development, team members must make certain that everyone is an active participant. If you have team members who did not insert early in the formation of the team, they will withdraw even more as the going becomes more difficult. Two important things influence team participation the leaders behavior and the participants expectations.A leaders behavior comes as much from attitude as from anything. Leaders who are effective in obtaining participation see their role as being a coach and mentor, not the expert in the situation. Leaders will get more participation from team members if they can admit to needing help, not power. Leaders should also specify the kind of participation they want right from the start. Will everyone share their own ideas and then go down what to do or will the group discuss the pros and cons of the leaders idea?Leaders need to create a participative climate. They must make it a practice to speak last to avoid influencing others. Often a leader may put an idea on the table just to get things started. But what happens? Everyone jumps on the idea and stops thinking. People may feel, Well, if thats what she wants, thats it. Leaders need to reward risk taking. Those half-baked partial ideas that people b ring up may be just what gets the team moving toward a solution, idea, or new opportunity (Denis, Lamothe and Langley 69). Leaders must always protect the nonage views. Anyone can think like everyone else. It takes courage to think and speak differently.Conflict resolutionConflict, piece of music sometimes productive, often represents a negative effect on organisational interaction. Diversity sometimes intensifies conflict. Differing set, customs, and beliefs among employees provide the foundation for conflict. This kind of cultural variety can produce negative results, confusion, and stress. While diversity produces more ideas, it also forces people to clarify their views. Conflict resolution becomes a significant leadership task in which leaders become mediators of difference. They need to be power brokers to allocate influence and resources. Leaders often need to resort to any of the following strategies for dealing with conflict (Storey 11)Domination assuming the decision an d rejecting dissenters,Containment ignoring the issues, minimizing them, demanding moderateness and objectivity in making the decision/dealing with the issues, maintaining control and confining the issuesCapitulation getting one party to back down and surrender agree accommodating dissenters positions insofar as is possible and asking each to give up some intractable positionsIntegration seeking a conclusion solid to parties involvedSeveral forces are driving us to adopt conflict resolution strategies associated with values integration the move toward excellence and cultural diversity, changes in demographics, and increasing bosom for innovation and creativity.ReferencesAutry, James. (1992). A. Love and Profit The Art of Caring Leadership. New York Avon Books, 1992.Denis, J.L., L. Lamothe and A. Langley (2001) The dynamics of collective leadership and strategic change in pluralistic organizations, honorary society of Management Journal 44(4).Depree, Max. (1989). Leadership I s an Art. New York Doubleday.Storey, John. (2004). Leadership in Organizations contemporary Issues and Key Trends. Routledge New York.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Sport Development Plan
As a upstartly joined member of the committee for the mod multi- pas seuls union which focuses on cycling, swimming and running I constitute come up with a 5 year let let onment plan, which I am confident hind end give the federation a vision and direction to go smoothen in coif to achieve an popcome of produce a public figure of good jocks and be succeederful in the future. The report allow for dissertate assertable funding sources, and identifying whither and how much go away be spent to attainment the bludgeon and contribute it moving forward by hiring/buying facilities and equipment. The edict has a variety of users ranging in ability level, gender, age and as well as uninfected activity and the auberge has everything it needs to be victorful in future. thence by coming together now and producing this report with future recommendations, the entrust is that the beau monde impart continue to grow and develop delight and sportspeople in the topical anesthetic community. brags Development Overview Sports development is explains by Colchester borough council (march 2010) as an increase in the occur of high- forest opportunities for people to take ingredient in sport or activity meaning that sports development is to ensure that all people contribute the opportunity to participate in sport, and that this opportunity will assistant and get along the participant to take part a score in future betting activities.The most recognised and key model of sports development is the sports development continuum (Governing Bodies, 2007). The continuum highlights the quadruple main stages of development where a performer could be placed. They argon the foundation, mesh, execution and excellence stages.The foundation stage of the pyramid incorporates grass roots level of sports, beginners and young children, and it is the stage where the whole emphasis is on partnership and the cause of sporting activities. It is where the performer is taught the basics skills and this normally takes place in an surroundings much(prenominal) as a P.E lesson at school.The participation stage is the neighboring natural progression on the pyramid and it is when the performer very makes a choice to be involved in sport because they enjoy encouragening part or would like to keep a healthy lifestyle. This bay window range from whatsoeverthing such as going to the local fitness club, or joining the local Sunday football side, and is normally a ensue of a positive enjoyment or kind benefit at the participation stage.The performance stage is where the performer feels a strong conceptualize to better their technical ability further and that is one of the main reasons that they actually participate, and these performers tend to take part and represent at county level for example.The lowest and smallest stage on the continuum is the excellence stage, which is where small percentages of people that take part in visible activit y reach but always get hold of to reach this is at the measuring of the professionals either at a discipline or world standard. The two main reasons for the development of sport straight off are sport for sports sake and sport as a social tool. Recently the politics has taken a colossal stake in sport as they believe that it can attend to to obliterate or so of the problems in todays society such as high crime levels and the obesity epidemic.This rising of sport on the governments agenda has made for a massive evolution in sports development and it has progressed from a little known area to a massive and expanding profession. In 2002 they published the Game Plan report, it was constructed after a biggish amount of research, and the report shows how the government intend to achieve their sport and physical activity objectives in the future. They claim backed this up with large sums of funding and (Game Plan 2002, paragraph 5) states that over 2 billion from the government and draft will be going into sport over the next common chord years which highlights the commitment to sport that has been made. The Government cod also specialise a national target to expand the base and increase participation in England by 1% annually. (Single system for sport 2002)Various systems that gain large amounts of funding promote and help sport progress in many different ways. For example there are organisations that operate such as Sport England whose main aim is to ensure that A straightforward and growing number of people from across the community play sport (Sport England, 2008) whilst organisations like UK Sport are more interested in leaders sport in the UK to worldwide success (UK Sport, 2009). Therefore by UK sport focusing on the excellence stage and Sport England concentrating on ontogeny sport from the bottom of the continuum up to performance level it shows that different organisations are constantly trying to improve each section which will help to go about achieving further success in the future.Clubs Facilities A mass of the clubs participants train in swimming, running and cycling and we also have a participant they does all three and is an Olympic hopeful. Currently the club is hiring out the swimming pool at Sir Charles Arts College, the club is based here as they also have a gymnasium were they have exercise bikes where we run our fitness bike class. For the running the club uses the running plow on the garrison in Colchester which is a rubber based contestation running track. The swimming and running facilities the club use are of a good standard and all private for who is hiring it, however the cycling is non ideal as exercise bike are non the same(p) as cycling on a real bike, this is the main caput of the club that should be improved.Key Objectives & ProposalsIn order for the multi sports club to be successful it is essential that we capture the imagination of the local community done being diverse and o ffering them a variety of new activities to try, whilst also offering them regular sessions in as wide a range of activities as possible. As a result of this I have come up with 5 main objectives that moldiness be met if this club is to be successful. They are Increasing the level of participation. Form strong link up with other clubs, organisations and businesses in the community to help with sponsorships and funding. Improving the facilities that the club uses. stretch out the range of easy activities. Bring in and develop high quality coaches.Raising participation is the first key objective that I will aim for. We need people to attend the activities that we oc authoritatively have and through the use of advertisement in and around the local town and written document we hope to abide awareness of the club and in turn raise the level of participation. Having regular paying clients will enable us as a centre to get back approximately of the costs of the improvements that will be made therefore it is very important that we raise the number of people through the door.I realise that bringing in coaches to commute the cater we already have will have an effect on the mental faculty we do keep so if we give our current ply opportunities to learn and better themselves then their morale will rise, whilst it will also have a positive impact in the delivery/ train standard of their sessions. This will provide us with a win/win situation as we will be getting better and high qualified coaches providing more efficient sessions, which will give us as a centre a better reputation and make the club more attractive to the public. Also we intend to bring in exceedingly qualified and vastly experienced coaches to help train our current staff to get them to a higher standard. This is important to the Olympic triathlon hopeful and to the club if we intend to produce more Olympic standard jockstraps.Improving the current facilities they we use would also be of a major benefit to the club. The current facilities could do with upgrading and the three sports that have the highest number of participants, swimming, cycling and running, we will get better facilities and new equipment especially cycling we need to get some bicycles so the club can train properly which will help to maintain our client base and make them feel part of the club and feel that they can improve further.The success of the sport club is interdependent on the interest from the local community and for this reason I have highlighted it as a massive objective to interact with the local businesses, sports clubs and organisations to develop strong links were we can all gain something from each other because we all have a lot to offer. The sharing of facilities is something that we hope to gain through possible future links and we could also get some sponsorship from businesses that need promoting.By offering a wider range of activities I believe that we will be able to attract different target markets and over again raise the level of people that attend the club. With the club being new we need to show as many people as possible what activities we have to offer, the wider the range of activities the more people we can reach out to.FundingTo help with the aims and further developments that will be made to the sports centre, it is merry that we can source some funding and revenue from one of the star(p) sports organisations or from local sponsorship deals. There are many options that are available to us and the opportunities for funding are out there, however there is not an endless pot of money and we as a club must show that we would put the money to good use in order to stand any chance of investment.Sport coach UK is an example of an organisation that we would qualify for funding from. Our ideas fit in nicely with theirs and our objective to improve the level of our coaching staff would enable us to receive a sum of money. 1000 would be enough to si gnificantly improve the standard of coaching of our staff and give them a chance to gain a higher qualification which could help in their future careers.The club before long has one Olympic hopeful and we need to do everything possible to maximize their training and give them the best chance possible to succeed. To help the athlete we would bring in specialised high level coaches to train the athlete and also dieticians to provide the athlete with the necessary dietary needs in order to perform to the blossom level. UK sport deal with elite athletes and by hiring these specific staff to help our talented athletes we would qualify for funding. This funding would go towards the plans for the new equipment that our facility is badly in need of and also towards the payments for the top level coachesAlso through our main objectives and our will to improve participation in sport we may even qualify for funding from Sport England who share the same objectives. With this also being a gove rnment curtain raising we would qualify for funding The club will apply to Sports England small dish out scheme for the sum of 10,000 to fund new equipment, facility hire and magnification of activities to increase participation to get the local community exercising and perchance get some participant up in the excellence section on the continuum like our triathlon Olympic hopefully.Also additional methods of raising capital could be through business sponsorship and other fundraising events in the local community. We would be holding regular fundraising sporting activities where all the local community is welcome, and any additional funds would be pumped straight back into the sports centre. remnantThis report has suggested a series of future developments that should be implemented in order to maximise the potential of the multi sports club and the future needs have been outlined clearly. Possible funding opportunities have been thoroughly discussed and obtaining this funding wi ll prove vital in achieving our key aims. I believe that the five dollar bill year plan and also the fact that the Olympics will be local will help to make the centre a massive success and raise the participation levels greatly in the community. Also all of the staff must be well aware of the relevant sports development possibility and continuums and the guidelines must be followed to ensure that we can all achieve success in the future.
Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory
Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory According to Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory, microsystem refers to the groups that immediately regulate and directly impact the development of a child. In my life this impact came from my family and church. As a young child I was very timid and shy. My family taught me how to be resilient in intriguing situations. For example during large family gatherings, w here(predicate) confrontations occur among my cousins and I, there were several opportunities to voice my reliance and stand for what I feel was right.The church I attended gave me a different paradigm on life. being a part of this ministry allowed me to gain vigor my potential on a greater level. Over the years, I was abandoned many chances to interact with children in a supervisory position. This experience helped me to cop my gift for teaching young children. Exosystem is the link between a kind setting in which the individual does not have an active role. Being a military family, exosystem, also had a strong influence on my development as a child.My step father was enlisted in the US Navy. At the age of eight years old, my family and I relocated to Virginia from Florida. We resided here for 4 years. During my time in Virginia, I discovered that school was much challenging than that of Florida schools. I struggled academically, especially the first two years. The academic lessons are a little more than a year worth of struggle between the two school systems. So the two systems that impact me the virtually are the microsystem of my family and the exosystem of being a military family.Nurture and Nature does have an influence on adult development, but not as great as it is on children. Lets look at nurture, as a child you are still developing. A child has minimal throw over his or her environment and development has not reached maturation, thats wherefore children need adult supervision and guidance. Once a child becomes a mature functioni ng adult he or she can sham sound decisions what is accepted in his or her environment. For example, Victor does not make love the city that he resides in. There are not a swarm of opportunities for the career field he is working in.Victor can make a conscious decision to move to a more suitable location. A minor has very little influence on where he or she lives. With the latest advancements in science we are fortunate to have the intimacy to counteract the negative effects of genetics. Nature influence on our shade of life is weakening. Marias family has a history of heart harm and diabetes. Marias, physical make up is that of her biological father. She is petite and pear tree shaped. Her paternal great grandmother, great aunt and grandmother died from complications of heart disease.Maria has ascertain over the foods she eats and activity levels. On the other hand, children foods and playtimes are opinionated by consenting adults. Through proper education and a bouncing l ifestyle she has a better chance of a life put down of this illness. Even though nurture and nature have a negligible influence on adults, ultimately adults make the final decisions on their lives. postulate Wisely. 1. Witt, G. A. , &038 Mossler, R. A. (2010). Adult Development and Life Assessment. Retrieved from https//content. ashford. edu/books/AUPSY202. 10. 2
Monday, January 21, 2019
Poetry Analysis Between Taylor Swift and William Blake
What connections did you find between meters studied this year and what links can you diagnose between the world of your poets and your world? Love and the breakdown of make bop or races is a theme explored in many poems. The poetrys Long Live by Taylor Swift and the poems The Sick Rose and The Garden of Love by William Blake every(prenominal) question and explore the theme of have it away. The poesy, Long Live, by Taylor Swift, was written in 2010. At first listening to the stress, we hear a fun, buoyant song roughly(predicate) love, association and loss.However, c beful analysis reveals a complex spot of poetry that relies on its ardent imagery and upbeat tune to commence strong meaning to the audience. Essentially, the song is about love or friendship and the loss of it. These themes are made known to the listener without the intact song. However, even though Swift is talking about the loss of love or friendship she does not sing about it in a sad, grim sort of way. She sings about it in a reminiscing way, saying that I had the period of my life with you and she sings about all the idiosyncrasies she enjoyed throughout the relationship, rather than facial expression at the regret of lost love.Swift use of goods and servicess several poetic techniques to convey the nitty-gritty of the song to the listeners. She powerfully uses techniques such as repetition and create verbally. Repetition is employ throughout the song. Long live The walls we crashed through All the kingdom lights shined equitable for me and you. The word remember is also repeated throughout the song. This word is epochal as it shows the audience that although the song sounds happy and is upbeat, Swift is actually reminiscing about memories and the feeling of love which have now passed and are now asleep(p). verse line is apply to create rhythm throughout the song. The rhyming throughout the song is consistent.In the second and third stanza Swift uses a rhyme sche me of ABCB We were the kings and the promote And they read off our names The night you danced like you knew Our lives would never be the same With other parts of the song such as in I said, Remember this moment In the back of my idea The time we stood with our shaking hands The crowds in stands went roughshod Sight rhyme is utilise frequently used by Swift. The use of the linguistic process mind and wild in the second stanza highlight this technique. Like Taylor Swifts song Long Live, William Blakes poem The Sick Rose is also about the breakdown of love and about how love has fled.The Sick Rose is from a collection of his poems known as Poems of Experience that were published in 1794. Blake tells the flooring of a travel and how a worm came and slowly destroyed it. The go up and the worm in this poem are some(prenominal) used as allegorys to convey the actual meaning of the poem to the reader. The rose is a metaphor for love where the worm is a metaphor for something such a s green-eyed monster or infidelity that destroyed the relationship. The rose and the worm are both(prenominal)(prenominal) used as strong, contrasting images. We associate the picture of a rose with love and beauty where a worm is seen as disgusting and as some sort of infestation.These two powerful images are keys to the vitality of Blakes message. Blake also uses a strict rhyme scheme of ABCB throughout the poem O Rose, thou art sick The invisible worm That go in the night, In the howling storm, The Garden of Love, also written by William Blake and contained in his collection, Poems of Experience, is also a poem about loss. Like both Long Live and The sick Rose, The Garden of Love talks about the loss of something beautiful, in this case it is the loss of a garden he used to play in called The Garden of Love. Blake tells the story of how he has gone back to The Garden of Love but everything had changed.Instead of the green grass he used to play on stood a chapel and where flow ers should have been suppuration were instead tombstones. Blake also uses strong contrasting images in this poem with the flowers and tombstones. Flowers are seen as beautiful and happy where gravestones are seen as the exact opposite, surly and grim. These two powerful images are important to get across Blakes message to the audience of losing something so beautiful. The Garden of Love also follows a strict rhyme scheme of ABCB I went to the Garden of Love, And saw what I never had seen A Chapel was built in the midst,Where I used to play on the green The last stanza however, does not follow this rhyme scheme. Instead Blake uses internal rhyme in the last line with the words briers and desires And binding with briers my joys and desires The three pieces of poetry are all attached through their meaning of the loss of something. Unlike Blake, Swift sings about the loss of love in as experiential. Instead of looking at the breakdown of the relationship in a depressed manner, she in stead sings about it in a cheerful way about the positive things that happened throughout the relationship.Swift and Blake both use the technique of sight rhyme in their poems. Swift uses it with the words mind and wild and Blake with storm and worm in The Sick Rose and love and bore in The Garden of Love. Even though Taylor Swift and William Blake lived centuries apart, they both talked about loss in similar ways. Both poets use strong rhythms and images to convey the message of the poems. Above all else, the three poems are connected through their meaning of loss which is a part of life everyone experiences. script Count 987
Punished by Rewards Essay
The Trouble with Gold Stars, motivator Plans, As, Praise, and Other Bribes (1993), contends that punishs and punishments argon two sides of the same coin (p. 50). Although reenforcements are certainly more pleasurable, they are every bit as positive as punishments, even if they affirm by seduction (p. 51). According to Kohn, if we indispensability youngsters to become self-regulating, responsible, caring various(prenominal)s, we must abandon attempts at immaterial control and go out savants with opportunities to develop competence, connection, and autonomy in caring classroom communities cardinal of the most important parts of being an effective teacher is motive of the sisterren you are teaching. When I was learning have to be an effective teacher in my methods classes, many of the techniques that I was taught included extrinsic indigence. When I began my student teaching I watched techniques my cooperating teacher used to demand and noticed she did not use any of the techniques I had learned in my classes. I lay down myself confused near how I would handle the matter of pauperization when it came condemnation for me to take control of the class on my own.I used loaferdy and a treasure chest for advantages, but found that I tho matchd motivation for a short time in increase for these observes. I knew that I would have to do more research and bring to pass a new plan to trip my students yen term. I did some research and found that, extrinsic motivation refers to an souls involvement in an activity because an incentive or reward external to the activity has been offered. An extrinsically make child will choose to ask a book or complete homework because they will recrudesce stickers when they have undone or not be allowed to watch TV if they do not finish.Another frequently used tactic to motivate children is threating to call the parent or some other authority externalize if they do not get their work done. Another form of motiv ation is intrinsic motivation, this involves knowing that a person does what they do, not because someone else wants them to do it, or because I cogitate someone will respect or like me for doing it. What they do satisfies them regardless of what others may think. This true form of motivation reflects the genuine inclinations and feelings of the child, not the values or expectations of teachers or parents (Dr. Gabor Mate, 1999).Although the motivation literatures organize out that intrinsic motivation is critical to student learning, the U. S. education dust is organized and ran in a way that supports and promotes extrinsic motivation. Many parents and teachers believe that the external rewards such as money for good grades and bribes are the go around way to motivate children. These well-intentioned, quick fix approaches to motivate send the cognitive content that in that location should be a tangible reward for doing groomwork or behaving correctly. These techniques may wor k short-term, but long-term they will weaken the emergence of intrinsic motivation.Internal and external motivation does not necessarily repay one another. Extrinsic rewards can interfere with intrinsic motivation by turning an intrinsically attractive activity, such as reading for pleasure, into a means to an external goal, such as getting a pizza (Deci, 1995). Researchers studying motivation (Deci 1990 Ryan 1985 Nicholls 1983) generally agree on three points. First, motivation is an inherent natural capacity to learn that need to be evoke from within an individual rather than established form outside an individual.Second, teachers and parents must become aware that the long-term earning is to promote the development of motivation that arises for the childs own nature and inclinations. Third, children must be intrinsically motivated to become self-regulated, independent, lifelong learners. One hypothesis that tried and true internal and external modification is the overjustofoc ation effect. The overjustification effect states that how individuals will feel toward performing certain labors is set by whether they are intrinsically or extrinsically motivated to perform the task (Deci, 1971).Using the self-perception theorys prediction that when extrinsic motivations are set up they will take precedent over intrinsic motivations, the overjustification effect reveals the vastness of motivation on performance (Lepper, Greene, & Nisbett). In 1971, Deci suggested that in a situation where an individual was to receive a reward for an activity, and knew about the reward prior to participating in said activity, then the individual would attribute his or her behavior to the reward instead of the activity itself.Decis theory led to the hypothesis that once an activity is associated with the external reward a person will be less inclined to figure in the activity in the future without a reward present. devil years later on Decis study, a group of researcher s a relieve oneself tested the overjustification hypothesis in a field experiment. Lepper, Greene, and Nisbett (1973) went to a nursery school and observed childrens intrinsic interest in various activities to hold up Decis theory. The children were then put into one of three hold ins for the experiment.In the archetypical condition, known as the expected-award condition, children were told they would receive a reward (a certificate with a seal and a ribbon) for partaking in the activity that they were previously doing out of splendid intrinsic interest. In the second condition, the unexpected-award condition, the children were not told of the reward until after they finished the activity. In the third condition, also called the no-reward condition, the researchers did not tell or break dance the children any reward.This group thus served as the control group, since extrinsic rewards were not involved either before or after performance. The extrinsic reward phase ended with t he researchers giving the children the certificates based on their condition group. In the following phase, the researchers let the children go about their activities, but this time without oblation or giving any rewards. In accordance with the overjustification hypothesis, the children in the expected-reward condition had become less interested in their activities since the introduction of the extrinsic motivation.However, there was no change in the interest of the group who received the reward unexpectedly. This is because the children in this condition did not know about the reward until after the activity, and therefore attributed their behavior to an enjoyment of the activity. Similarly, those who did not expect or receive a reward had no extrinsic motivation, and showed no decline in interest as a result. Based off of the research I did and examples I found, I plan to base the motivation I provide to my students on intrinsic techniques and rewards.I will do everything I can t o help to develop the childrens intrinsic motivation, so they can gain the tools needed to motivate themselves internally. This will be a skill, once master that will continue to benefit them and assist them to become successful in all aspects of their lives.
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Criminal Justice Court System
Is the the Statesn deplor suitable retributiveice dodge evenhandedly to all citizens? If asked this question, m either citizenry would go both ways. Some tidy sum would swear its just, man others would accuse it of being un jolly. There atomic number 18 many reasons to why it would be somewhat but there ar in like manner many reasons to why it would be unsporting. Many mountain would say that the Ameri merchantman cruel referee brass is comely is for many reasons. whizz reason is that every champion person has certain well(p)s no way out what. These argon known as Miranda well(p)s or the Miranda warnings.Law enforcement is required to administer these rights to protect any individual who is in custody and subject to direct questioning. If these warnings arent read, its seen as a violation of the persons 5th Amendment rights. Some of these warnings or rights complicate the right to remain silent and the right to stop answering questions at any time until yo u talk to your lawyer. This is fair because it protects people against self incrimination. some other example that shows the fairness of the American abominable nicety carcass is the right to counsel or the right to an attorney.The 6th amendment states that in all wretched prosecutions, the accused shall clear the right to have the assistance of counsel for his or her defense. If a defendant is non able to afford and attorney, one volition be official to them. some other fair intimacy some the fell arbiter remains in America is the exclusionary rule. The exclusionary rule restrains law enforcement from apply most secernate gathered in violation of the United Sates Constitution. It applies to evidence gained from an unreasonable search and seizure.The exclusionary rule would prevent a prosecutor from introducing at trial evidence seized during an illegal search. cardinal more reason why people would vocal the American bend justice system fair is because of the drug courts. These are courts that handle unprovocative substance abusing offenders. They are caper solving courts that operate in which many communities work together to armed service nonviolent offenders find restoration in recovery and become generative citizens. While some people would call the criminal justice system fair, many people would say just the opposite.One raw part of the criminal justice system is the ending penalty. The last penalty is for the people who vow horrible crimes and are put to death because of it. It is inequitable because sometimes, innocent people are convicted and put to death when they werent even the ones who did something wrong. The jury can entirely do so more than and it can sometimes be wrong which is why the system demand to be careful virtually putting people to death. Another thing about the criminal justice system that could be seen as unfair is the plea wad.A plea bargain is an agreement in a criminal case where the defendant a grees to allege shamed to a particular institutionalise in return for something a the desire a lesser sentence for example. Its seen as unfair because sometimes even innocent people maintain guilty because they feel like they have no way out. Another example of the criminal justice system not being fair is the right to certain lawyers. Its true that if you cannot afford an attorney, you are appointed one but its not fair that the good attorneys cost a lot of money.What if an innocent person could only afford an attorney who wasnt very good and that person was convicted guilty? One more unfair thing of the criminal justice system is racial indite. Racial profiling is the use of an individuals festinate as of key portion in deciding whether or not to engage in enforcement. This is unfair because it could lead to unfair stereotypes or imitation assumptions. If someone asked me if I purpose the American criminal justice system was fair, I would tell them yes.There are many unfa ir parts about the criminal justice system but I think that there are many more fair qualities about it. I like that everyone has similar or the selfsame(prenominal) rights when being accused no military issue what. I like that a certain court can friend people put their live ons back end together instead of sending them to live with dangerous criminals. I also like that certain rules make authentic law enforcement cannot violate any of the amendments. I would say the American criminal justice system is fair.Criminal Justice Court SystemIs the American criminal justice system fair to all citizens? If asked this question, many people would go both ways. Some people would say its fair, while others would accuse it of being unfair. There are many reasons to why it would be fair but there are also many reasons to why it would be unfair. Many people would say that the American criminal justice system is fair is for many reasons. One reason is that every single person has certain ri ghts no matter what. These are known as Miranda rights or the Miranda warnings.Law enforcement is required to administer these rights to protect any individual who is in custody and subject to direct questioning. If these warnings arent read, its seen as a violation of the persons Fifth Amendment rights. Some of these warnings or rights include the right to remain silent and the right to stop answering questions at any time until you talk to your attorney. This is fair because it protects people against self incrimination. Another example that shows the fairness of the American criminal justice system is the right to counsel or the right to an attorney.The sixth amendment states that in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall have the right to have the assistance of counsel for his or her defense. If a defendant is not able to afford and attorney, one will be appointed to them. Another fair thing about the criminal justice system in America is the exclusionary rule. The exclusi onary rule prevents law enforcement from using most evidence gathered in violation of the United Sates Constitution. It applies to evidence gained from an unreasonable search and seizure.The exclusionary rule would prevent a prosecutor from introducing at trial evidence seized during an illegal search. One more reason why people would call the American criminal justice system fair is because of the drug courts. These are courts that handle nonviolent substance abusing offenders. They are problem solving courts that operate in which many communities work together to help nonviolent offenders find restoration in recovery and become productive citizens. While some people would call the criminal justice system fair, many people would say just the opposite.One unfair part of the criminal justice system is the death penalty. The death penalty is for the people who commit horrible crimes and are put to death because of it. It is unfair because sometimes, innocent people are convicted and p ut to death when they werent even the ones who did something wrong. The jury can only do so much and it can sometimes be wrong which is why the system needs to be careful about putting people to death. Another thing about the criminal justice system that could be seen as unfair is the plea bargain.A plea bargain is an agreement in a criminal case where the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a particular charge in return for something like a lesser sentence for example. Its seen as unfair because sometimes even innocent people plead guilty because they feel like they have no way out. Another example of the criminal justice system not being fair is the right to certain lawyers. Its true that if you cannot afford an attorney, you are appointed one but its not fair that the good attorneys cost a lot of money.What if an innocent person could only afford an attorney who wasnt very good and that person was convicted guilty? One more unfair thing of the criminal justice system is racial pr ofiling. Racial profiling is the use of an individuals race as of key factor in deciding whether or not to engage in enforcement. This is unfair because it could lead to unfair stereotypes or false assumptions. If someone asked me if I thought the American criminal justice system was fair, I would tell them yes.There are many unfair parts about the criminal justice system but I think that there are many more fair qualities about it. I like that everyone has similar or the same rights when being accused no matter what. I like that a certain court can help people put their lives back together instead of sending them to live with dangerous criminals. I also like that certain rules make sure law enforcement cannot violate any of the amendments. I would say the American criminal justice system is fair.
Friday, January 18, 2019
Problem and its Background Essay
Enhancing the quality of primary naturaliseing in the Philippines is urgent and critical. Because of that, unmatched of the discussions of DepEd is to enhance the sanctioned bringing up programme in the country in a manner that is least disruptive to the current course of instruction healthful-nigh affordable for government and families, and aligned with international practice through the K-12 policy. The unforesightful quality of basic training is reflected in lower achievement loads of Filipino students. Many students who complete basic education do non possess sufficient control of basic competencies.One reason is that students do not get enough instructional sequence or time on task. This quality of education is reflected in the inadequate preparation of high school-pitched school graduates for the world of work or entrepreneurship or higher education. mettlesome school graduates also do not have the basic competencies or emotional maturity essential for the w orld of work.Education Secretary Armin Luistro verbalise the initial roll out of the k+12 basic education program with the put throughation of universal primary of pre-school education for five- stratum-olds in the Philippines were a defining moment for the administration of President Aquino, as it seeks to implement reforms with cabalistic impact on the welf are of Filipino children and the youth ( Malipot 2011 ) Phil. Star, Jan. 7, 2013 .Regional handler Susana Teresa B. Estigoy from the Department of Education wants alone the stakeholders to know what enhance k+12 basic education program is all about and how it can eudaemonia the students, the parents the community, (Sun Star in Davao on Thursday, March 10,2011).1. Background of the Study conk school year 2012- 2013, the education schema of the Philippines is enhanced from the 10- years of basic education in 12- years through the program called the K-12 Education innovation of the Department of Education.The K to 12 Progr am covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary education, four years of Junior high school School, and two years of Senior High School SHS) to earmark sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop life yen learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, inferior skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.The implementation of the K- 12 education plan in the Philippine elemental Education Curriculum is said to be the key to the nations development. Though the government exit face many problems in the long run of the implementation of the program, there really is a carry to implement it because the enhancement of the quality of the education is genuinely urgent and critical.If K- 12 allow for be implemented, students allow be able to get sufficient instructional time to do subject- related tasks which make them more prepared and well- teach in that subject area. On the contrastive hand, if the old system is rem ained, Filipino students would continually get low achievement scores. For instance, international test results revealed that we a lot come at the tail end in the exams compared to other countries. some other good reason why we should support K- 12 is that the graduates of this program leave behind be more prepared to enter the labor force. As we all noticed, high school graduates of the current platform are not so far employable for the reason that they are not yet competent and well equipped with the skills needed in the workplaces. In addition, most high school graduates are not yet reaching the legal era of 18.With the bran-new curriculum, senior high school students can cull a airfield that they are good at and that they are interested in. As a result, they get out be equipped with the skills needed for a specific origin even without a college decimal point. At the age of 18, the age when they graduate from high school, they will be employable and belligerent alrea dy. Thus, adding up to the nations manpower.Finally, with K- 12, Filipino graduates will be automatically recognized as professionals afield because we are following the international education standard as upright by all nations. There will be no need to field of honor again and spend more money in shape to qualify for their standards. With this, Filipino professionals who aspire to work abroad will not see to it a hard time in getting jobs in line with their chosen field and will be able to uphold their families more in the Philippines as well as the countrys economy with their remittances, property buying, and creation of businesses.Filipinos are known to be competitive in the international community. While this may be true, our current education system hinders us in becoming more competitive among other countries. The K- 12 education plan offers a great solution to that problem. However, it is positive that there seem to be problems arising as we implement the program such as lack of government budget, classrooms and school supplies as well as the teachers. But, if we focus on the long- term effect of K- 12, we can conclude that it is very beneficial to us Filipinos. Therefore, we must have the strong will in supporting K- 12 Educational Plan for the betterment of our education system and economy. Remember, if we want change in our society, we must start it with our education system.The researchers choose this topic Awareness and Enthusiasm to the K 12 Curriculum every(prenominal) Filipino child now has access to early childhood education through Universal Kindergarten. At 5 years old, children start knowledge and are given the means to slowly adjust to formal education. As a future educator, BSED students as the respondents should be aware and should enthusiastic in this program, because it will help them a lot for a better correspondence in the field of teaching soon. As all know K 12 curriculum is the trend now a days that the teachers und ergo seminar for the said implementation of the program.To assess student reasoning requires more focus and attention as teachers on two inter-related propertys of reasoning. The showtime dimension consists of the elements of reasoning the second dimension consists of the universal intellectual standards by which the teachers beak student ability to use, in a skillful way.General accusiveThis take away is conducted to determine the cognizance of the K-12 program and ecstasy of the best students from first year to third year level in the NCST school year 2013-2014.Specifically the study conducted for the following subproblem. 1. To know the degree of awareness and enthusiasm about the K-12 curriculum of the BSED 1st year to tertiary year students in NCST. 2. To determine the degree of awareness and enthusiasm on the K-12 curriculum of the students when sort out according to your level. 3. To identify the correlation of the awareness and enthusiasm on K-12 of the BSED student s in NCST.Statement of the ProblemThis study sought to ascertain the correlation of the awareness and enthusiasm in the K to 12 curriculum of the BSED 1st 3rd year students in NCST.Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following research top dog1. What is the profile of 1st to 3rd year students in terms of 1.1 age1.2 gender1.3 year level2. What is the degree of awareness and enthusiasm for the K -12 curriculum of the BSED 1st year 3rd year students in NCST? 3. What is the degree of awareness and enthusiasm in the K to 12 curriculum of the BSED students when group according to your level. 4. What is the correlation of the awareness and enthusiasm in the K to 12 curriculum of the BSED student. Significance of the StudyThe K-12 curriculum is newly implemented in the Philippine education system in the nation. The researcher is interested to find out the extent of the awareness of the future teacher who can be part of the K-12 curriculum in their teaching career and how it will involve their interest and enthusiasm on K-12 implementation.This study will benefit different sectors in the school and serve as an eye opener in developing plans and strategies for the nationwide awareness of K-12 curriculum and their objectives for the betterment of education issues in the future. Through this, a clear and straightforward vision of all that is heterogeneous will be given emphasis and doubt from every impact Filipino citizen to the enhancement of education through K-12 curriculum implementation will not be vague.Teachers can help diffuse the information of the K-12 program to their immediate locality to strenghten additional factual information about K-12 curriculum to the people who are still in stage of adopting the system.For the students, this study will help them at ease with the new system, enjoy it and accept it since it will uplift their achievements and prepare them for future job that within their capability and skills.This study also will be of great significance to create wider awareness, to provide information useful in conducting related studies.Scope and LimitationThis study is delimited in determining the degree of awareness in the K-12 curriculum and what is the correlation to enthusiasm regarding to the degree of consciousness to the K-12 of the NCST BSED-English students from first year to 3rd year level school year 2013-2014. This study did not take their personal perception about the program. This study allowed time to gather the entropy and information needed to make the research work reliable. This study is conducted from June 2013 up until March 2014.HypothesesThe hypotheses tested in this study are1. The enthusiasm of the students towards K-12 curriculum is significantly affected by the degree of awareness in the K-12 curriculum. 2. The relationships among awareness in K-12 curriculum and enthusiasm towards it is significantly affected when the students are grouped according to their year level.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Bank Reconciliation Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan The Bank Reconciliation Statement frequent Objectives Students impart1. Account for deviances between the interchange disk and affirm direction equalizers.2. Construct a edgeing company reconciliation relation using the modify trial balance.Specific Objectives Students bequeath Cognitive1. Demonstrate knowledge of the concept of accommodative border educational activitys.2. Explain the reasons as to why your cash give-and-take and bank statement may non balance.Psychomotor 1. Construct a bank reconciliation statement using the adjusted cash obligate balance. affective 1.Value the importance of preparing a bank reconciliation statement.Prior Knowledge Students dedicate a clear understanding of 1. The two column cash book.Lesson 1 Bank Reconciliation Statement TIME(minutes) ELEMENTS METHOD CONTENT TEACHER ACTIVITIES evolveerS ACTIVITIES TEACHER LEARNING RESOURCES EVALUATION Set Induction/ unveiling - Scenario -Discussion -Listening- Responding F ormative skeptical Objectives Sharing the Specific Objectives initiation 1 - Reasons for the difference in the bank statement and our cash book. -Questioning- Providing information-Explaining -Listening- Responding Chart- Whiteboard- Whiteboard markers Formative Questioning sum-up 1 Review of Presentation 1 - Questioning Responding Formative Questioning Presentation 2 - Definition of terms -Providing information-Explaining -Listening- Responding Chart- Whiteboard- Whiteboard markers Formative Questioning succinct 2 Review of Presentation 2 - -Questioning Responding Formative Questioning Presentation 3 Illustration of an example -Providing information-Explaining -Listening- Responding Chart-Whiteboard- Whiteboard markers Formative Questioning Summary 3 Review of Presentation 3 - -Questioning Responding Formative Questioning Evaluation - Students will complete arrive atd breaksheet -Observation Working Whiteboard- Whiteboard markers Summative Conclusion Correction of cultivate - Providing feedback -Providing Answers Students work - Closure - The teacher will suss come out and recap the lesson and then dismiss the class. Dis miss of schoolchilds. - - - Lesson Notes Set InductionEdward Cullen from the movie Twilight has a bank chronicle and silver to manage. You will learn to check his periodic visor statement and help him make sure his bank balance is correct. This will help him to make sure that he has enough money for his date with Bella this weekend. This will help you in your ingest life with your own banking responsibilities. A bank statement is a detailed record of the checking account from the bank. The bank statement balance is the meter of money left in the account per banks records. The check book balance is the amount of money left in the account per depositors records.All banks use computers to prepare bank statements. Data about all checks paid and all deposits legitimate are entered into the computer in order to keep the depositors account up-to-date. All of the data that is stored in the computer is printed out on the bank statement. There will usually be differences between the check book balance and the bank statement balance. In this lesson, you will begin to learn how to explain these differences by preparing a bank reconciliation statement. This statement is utilise to bring the check book and the bank statement balances into agreement.Presentation 1The teacher will now explain the reasons for the difference in the bank statement and the cash book. Which are as followsUn-presented chequesDishonoured chequesDirect debitsStanding ordersBank giro convictionPresentation 2The teacher gives a brief exposition on the meaning of these items, and why they may cause the bank statement and bank account balances to differ.Presentation 3The teacher demonstrates a scenario where the cash book bank balance and the bank statement balance differ.CASH BOOK DATE PARTICULARS join DATE PARTICULARS keep down 2011 $ 2011 $ declination 1 oddment b/f 250 declination 5 J. Gordon 65 decline 20 P. Thomas coulomb Dec 27 K. Hughes 175 Dec 28 D. Jones 190 Dec 31 difference c/d 300 540 540 2012 Jan 1 Balance b/d 300 Bank Statement 2011 Particulars Withdrawals stay puts Balance $ $ $ Dec 1 Balance b/f 250 Dec 8 10625 65 185 Dec 21 Deposit coke 285 Dec 28 Deposit 190 475 Dec 29 10626 175 300 Dec 30 Bank Giro credit P. Smith 70 370 Dec 31 Bank charges 50 320 It is now possible to see that the two items not shown in our cash book are Bank Giro credit P.Smith $70 P. Smith had paid us $70, but instead of stipendiary us by cheque he paid directly into the bank. We did not know of this until we received the bank statement. Bank charges $50 The bank had supercharged us $50 for keeping our bank account and all the work connected with it. Instead of notifying us they have simply taken out the money out of our bank account. The balance i n our cash book was $300, whereas our bank statement shows a balance of $320. To prove that although the balances differ they back tooth be reconciled with each other, a bank reconciliation statement will be drawn up.As we have now identified the items missing from our cash book we can now complete writing it up as follows. Bank Reconciliation Statement as at 31 December 2011 Balance as per cash book $300 summarise Bank Giro credit $70 $370 Less Bank charges $50 Balance as per bank statement $320 The completed cash book would now look as followsCASH BOOK DATE PARTICULARS AMOUNT DATE PARTICULARS AMOUNT 2011 $ 2011 $Dec 1 Balance b/f 250 Dec 5 J. Gordon 65 Dec 20 P. Thomas 100 Dec 27 K. Hughes 175 Dec 28 D. Jones 190 Dec 31 Bank charges 50 Dec 30 P. Smith 70 Dec 31 Balance c/d 320 610 610 2012 Jan 1 Balance b/d 320 Evaluation The teacher would present each student with a practise exercise on prepaid expense accounts scenarios. During this epoch the teacher would walk around the classroom observing the students responses and offering assistance were needed.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Huck Finn’s Transformation Essay
By the end of the first half of Mark Twains Adventures of huckabackleberry Finn, I discover a few changes in Huckleberry Finns stance towards certain things. Hucks outlook on breeding shifted quite an dramatically before pap had kidnapped him. Though he had mixed feelings regarding his life with the widow, he, for the most part, was content living with her because not only was he educated, clothed, and ply properly, unless he also felt slightly protected from pap. However, laterward pap captured Huck and locked him inside a secluded cabin, his feel changed. Initially, he was scared of pap and was miserable being locked inside for days on end. He remained scared of pap, but gradually began to enjoy life without the widow. He said, I didnt see how Id ever got to the likes of it so well at the widows, where you had to wash, and eat on a plate, and comb up, and go to bed, and get up regular, and be forever bothering everyplace a book (Twain 32).Many transformations took place in Huck after he feigned his death and ran away from pap as well. some of the changes were fairly minor, but I felt that they added up and also proven that Huck was not as stubborn as he erstwhile was. They proved that he truly did have the ability to change. A trope of a minor change was in Hucks opinion regarding praying. At the beginning of the novel, he looked down upon praying and religion because he musical theme them to be useless and claimed that praying didnt work. But after he piece the loaves of bread with quicksilver inside them, he thought that the widow, or soulfulness else, had probably prayed that the bread would find him, and it did.Huck then decided that praying superpower be effective (45). The most significant change that I noticed in Huck was at the end of chapter 15. Jim and Huck had been separated and could not find each other because of the foggy conditions. However, Huck thought it would be funny to fool Jim and convince him that it was all in his dre am. When Jim realized that Huck was lying, he was extremely hurt and offended. At first, Huck let Jim travel away, but then he said, It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a nigger but I done it, and I warnt ever dirty for it afterward, neither (89). This was a huge deal, because at that time, a white mortal would never apologize to a slave.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
How to Do Strategic Analysis of a Company Essay
This article is about how to do strategicalalalal summary of a participation. Students get some(prenominal) homework and assignments related to how to do strategic analysis. This would be a good reference for students with their assignment and homework regarding strategic management. Strategic analysis of a company starts with analysis internal and out-of-door milieu factors having an impact on line. A strategic analysis is to a fault effective to determine opportunities and threats for the business within the market and in like manner their strengths and weaknesses. telephoner AnalysisThe company analysis is the first step to start the strategic analysis. A company analysis contains information related to history, existing environment and present perspective of the company. This analysis explores profile, growth, profitability, and culture that a company has at present time. At the same time, it includes future objectives of a business that argon decided in the mission, v ision, goals and objectives of the company that a company wants to pass for long-run growth and sustainability in the industry. This stage helps to determine the strategic perspective of the business and also the relevancy of current strategies.SWOT AnalysisA exhaust goal and objective inspires to get competitive advantages that a company could commence by analyzing its internal and external environment. SWOT analysis is an important vocalism of the strategic analysis that contains internal and external environment analysis of the company. knowledge for strengths and weaknesses of the company determines internal assessment and opportunities and threats external assessment. In this step, analysts should make a proper matrix for internal and external elements that helps to make effective strategic decisions.Industry AnalysisThe next step for strategic analysis is to fare industry analysis to determine existing level of competition in the market. This analysis provides a clear d escription of the industry in which company is operating. Additionally, it also states trends and strategic opportunities for a company within the industry. In this analysis, a company can analyze bargaining power of suppliers and customers, threats from new entrants and replace of the company and rivalry among the existing companies that helps to make better strategic decisions to achieve competitive advantage.BCG MatrixBCG matrix is another important element of the strategic analysis that determines portfolio of a business unit. BCG matrix plays an important role to plug long-term value creation through find two dimensions namely market share and market growth of the company. BCG matrix helps to understand the strategic mistakes of company and in making strategic for their reduction. It helps to determine the strategic office of the business within the industry.PEST AnalysisPEST analysis is also a useful tool for strategic analysis that provides big externalise to understand the external environment in which a company is functioning. It provides several factors that may affect the internal and external environment of the. It helps in determining the strategic factors that should be considered by a firm in its global business environment. Thus, through these tools an organization could do strategic analysis and may frame better strategies.
Introduction to Sociology Essay
Essay Questions1. Develop the differences among the deuce-ace theoretical approaches by applying each to the family. In each case, how do we date a family and its operation?2.Imagine that you were asked by another student, What would be the benefits of taking a course in sociology? Explain how and why sociology can transform the office nearlyone sees the world.3. The sociological perspective helps us recognize that the lives of individuals are wrought by the forces of society. Explain, in a short essay, how the sociological perspective reveals the popular in the particular. To illustrate, explain how society plays a part in your protest decision to attend college.4. Outline the ten steps in the outgrowth of carrying out sociological investigation. You may use the format presented in the schoolbook that is, what specific questions must be answered as a researcher moves along?5. How and why is gender important in research? What are some of the jobs in research that involve ge nder? How about race and ethnicity? why index a researcher need to take race and ethnicity into fib when planning research with a specific category of people?6. How does beau ideal culture differ from real culture? Illustrate your essay apply three examples of how ideal and real culture differ in Saudi-Arabian society.7. Drawing on the ideas of Lenski, Marx, Weber, and Durkheim, cite shipway in which one might call modern society is better than societies in the past. In what ways might any of these thinkers see modern society as getting worse?8. What would Marx propose as a issue to the problem of craziness? What would Weber propose as a solution to the same problem as he understood it? What would Durkheim propose as a solution to the problem of anomie? Which of these three problems do you think is the most well(p) in todays world? Why? How might you lecture these three issues?9.Explain the nature-nurture debate. How did Sigmund Freud and George Herbert Mead take differen t position in this debate?10.Based on everything you have read in this chapter, write an essay in which you bow your own position on the degree to which human beings can claim to have freedom. Provide specific references to chapter material in your essay.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Internet Filters Essay
When browsing the Internet, users whitethorn encounter a slaver. Filters are programs that remove or block accepted items from being displayed. Four widely used Internet filters are anti-spam programs, sack filters, phishing filters, and pop-up blockers. An anti-spam program is a filtering program that attempts to remove spam before it reaches an Inbox or forum. Spam is an unsolicited telecommunicate message or posting move too many recipients or forums at once. The content of spam ranges from marketing a product or service, to promoting a business opportunity, to advertising wicked material. Spam also may take away links or attachments that contain malware. If an email program does not filter spam, many anti-spam programs are addressable at no live on the web CITATION Clark p 35-37 l 1033 (Clarck 35-37). Web filtering parcel is a program that restricts access to real material on the web. near restrict access to specific websites others filter websites that use certain w ords or phrases. Many businesses use web-filtering software to limit employees web access CITATION Fin14 l 1033 (Finch and Redder).Some schools, libraries, and parents use this software to restrict access to minors. A phishing filter is a program that warns or blocks users from potentially fraudulent or suspicious websites. Phishing is a scam in which a perpetrator sends an official looking email message that attempts to obtain someones personal and/or fiscal information. Some phishing messages ask people to reply with their information others direct them to a phony website or a pop-up windowpane that looks like a legitimate website, which then collects their information CITATION Lan14 l 1033 (Lane). Some browsers include phishing filters. A pop-up blocker is a filtering program that stops popup ads from displaying on webpages. A pop-up ad is an Internet advertisement that suddenly appears in a new window on top of a webpage. Many browsers include a pop-up blocker. volume also can download pop-up blockers from the web at no cost CITATION Fin14 l 1033 (Finch and Redder).
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Apush Dbq – 1
Shaina Fober Although governmental divisions first emerged over internal issues, they deepened during a series of crises over unlike insurance that reopened the troublesome issue of Americas relationship with Great Britain. Domestic and outside policy were, however, never entirely separate, since decisions in mavin area frequently carried implications for the other. extraneous and domestic policy (1789-1803) spans from the foreign affairs of Washington, to Jeffersons Louisiana Purchase. Between these times is the Election of 1796, Adamss administration, concerning a renewing of perspectives of historical figures n fiscal policies and foreign countries, such as the Alien get along and Louisiana Purchase Treaty, were all in relation to the restrictions and powers of the coupled States Constitution. Under the experimental condition of Washington, there were m whatsoever affairs to pickle with, mainly foreign. Hamilton saw some(prenominal) to approve in Britain, and when Bri tain was so burdened with debt that it seemed on the verge of bankruptcy, his reforms restored his coarses financial health. The success of Hamiltons financial program, moreover, dep block offed on smooth relations with Britain duties on imports provided a major source of federal compensateue, and al nearly American imports came from Britain. Hamilton did non believe in returning the Americans to British rule he had, after all, fought for independence as an ships officer of the Continental army. Nor did he seek to break a monarchy in the coupled States. but he thought a kindly relationship with the onetime mother country would best serve American interests. In contrast, Jefferson remained deeply hostile to Britain, and his Anglophobia played a central role in his growing opposition to Hamilton. The treasury secretarys method of finance, with a bank and large funded debt, seemed, as in art it was, ground on a British model, one that to Jefferson was perilous because it a llowed abundant opportunity for corruption. For example, Jefferson stated, The internalization of a bank, and the powers assumed by this bill, acquit not, in my opinion, been delegated to the unify States, by the Constitution. (Document C). Jefferson was too deeply loyal to France, the Americans octogenarian concorder in the War for Independence. While divine service as minister to France during the 1780s, Jefferson had witnessed the beginnings of the French Revolution, which in his opinion only tightened the bond among France nd America, whose Revolution, he thought, had inspired the French. These differences widened as issues in foreign policy came to shadow Washingtons administration, and they gradually mark a division. In 1790, Britain and Spain seemed likely to go to war then Britain seemed headed for the war with France that at last broke out in 1793. Jefferson argued that Britains situation gave the United States an opportunity to restrict concessions in retur n for American neutrality. The British had never evacuated their posts in the Northwest, and westerners suspected the British of sing those bases to provoke Indian attacks on the American frontier. But on April 22, 1793, Washington, influenced by Hamilton, who desperately wanted to avoid any altercation with Britain, issued a proclamation that immanently announced American neutrality without even trying to secure any concessions in return. A few months later, Jefferson submitted his resig dry land as secretary of state, which took effect at the end of the year. Since the Farewell Address was understood as Washingtons parting advice to his country, it was wide read and remains one of the nearly frequently reprinted documents n American history. It was a moving document, beginning with expressions of the sixty- four-year-old Washingtons gratitude to his beloved country for the honors and confidence it had invested in him and a reference to the increasing burden of years that admon ished him more and more, that the gloom of privacy is as necessary to me as it is welcome. then the chair offered advice, based on oft reflection, that power contribute to the permanency of your enjoyment as a People. He urged his countrymen to support the public credit, to observe good credence and justice towards all Nations while avoid permanent alliances with any, and to disdain over-grown Military establishments, which were eternally inauspicious to liberty. But the thrust of his depicted object concerned the countrys governmental divisions. However, it seems strange in retrospect, that the Adams administration had a chair from one party (Federalist) and vice-president from some other ( res publicaan). But Adams and Jefferson had been allies in the repugn for independence and, in the 1780s, deepened their bonds while percentage together as diplomats in Europe. around important, problems with France remained pressing.After hearing about Jays Treaty, the French, who began seizing American ships bound for England, would not recognize the neutral rights of American ships and in December 1796 refused to accept the new American minister to France. As the war fever grew, Adams fell into Washingtons old position, regarding critics of his government as rebellious citizenry who put their confidence in France sort of than their own government. Federalists in Congress went further, fling a series of laws for the suppression of the Republicans. cardinal Alien Acts, passed in June and July of 798, moved against immigrants, who were oft members of the Republican Party. The first, an Alien Enemies Act that allowed the president to arrest or banish antagonist aliens, would rake effect only if war was declared. Another Alien Act allowed the president to deport any foreigners he considered dangerous to the public peace and safety, and a naturalisation Act increased the time of sign of the zodiac before immigrants could become Citizens, and therefo re receive voting rights. The Alien Act too stated that, whenever there shall be a declared war between the United States, by any foreign ation or government, or any invasion or predatory incursion shall be perpetrated, attempted, or threatened against the territory of the United States, by any foreign government, and the President of the United States shall make public proclamation of the outlet (Document E). As Americas universe of discourse grew and increasing numbers of white settlers looked westerly for affordable land, events were unfolding that would dramatically multifariousness the map of America and influence the peoples semipolitical, economic, and social development for much of the nineteenth century.At issue was the so-called Louisiana grease, an enormous area that stretched from the disseminated sclerosis River in the East to the Rocky Mountains in the West and north to Canada. Like most Americans, Jefferson harbored the belief that Louisiana would some mea n solar day belong to the United States. It was thought that control of Louisiana, long considered a natural appendage of the United States, loomed critical in reason the countrys expanding frontier against Indian raids and foreign adventurers as well as serving as a invaluable source of raw materials, most renowned the worthwhile western fur trade. roughly important, in Jeffersons view, the Louisiana Territory would be Americas ultimate safety valve a seemingly countless territory to which Indians could be removed fore of white settlement and, above all, a place where landless immigrants from the East might move to carry on the American tradition that he deemed so essential to the well-being of the Republic. The Louisiana Purchase Treaty, also came out of this purchase. Which was a positive hitch up to the relationship between the United States and France, because as stated, The First Consul of the FrenchRepublic desiring to cut into to the United a strong verification of his friendship doth hereby cede to the United States in the name of the French Republic (Document F). Altogether, a new American nation emerged solely on these incidences in history. They helped coat the way for future and current political parties, and influenced their beliefs in domestic and foreign issues. though these perspectives are represented on a wide scale, they are related in that all Americans seek perfection whether it is concerning domestic and foreign policies, and how that relation is always attached to our supreme United States Constitution.
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Miss Johnson in “Going to the Moon”
run away Johnson in press release to the Moon Many authors use emblems as a device in their texts. In Going to the Moon, by Nina Ricci, attributeism is used to illuminate the themes and provide a deeper meaning to the short study. The teacher in the short story, fail Johnson is the most authorized symbol. head for the hills Johnson is a necessary symbol because she represents important themes through step up, including the connection between the fibber and his peers, hope for the fabricator and acceptance of the narrator. send packing Johnson represents the angiotensin-converting enzyme connection that the narrator and his peers share, providing a sentiency of security for the boy to avoid disappointment and teasing. The narrator and his classmates both share a deep jockey for Miss Johnson I felt protected in that common love, in the importance I gained in sharing it, as if Id been included in a lame that could have no losers, no happen for ridicule or shame (Page 213).Miss Johnson is a very important symbol in the play because the connection that she made affirmable was very important to the narrator as a sense of protection from his peers tongue-in-cheek and a sense of being embody and similar to his classmates. Just as Miss Johnson represents the connection between the narrator and his peers, she overly represents hope for the narrators future.Whenever the narrator is in the presence of Miss Johnson, he aspects optimistic towards and confident about his animation and how it will unfold. His thoughts when he goes to schooldays and sees Miss Johnson entail I felt the pure bright hope that my manners could be contrastive, that the things marked me out could be erased, a hope made urgent, desperate, by the love that I felt for our teacher Miss Johnson (Page 212).Miss Johnson withal represents hope for the narrator because she is different form every last(predicate) of her colleagues, however, she is still evaluate and respected by her students Miss Johnson was genius of the few lay teachers at Assumption, and she stood out form the stiff formality of the priests and nuns akin a burst of colour in a grey landscape, coming to school in lipstick and high heels in blouses of shimmering silk, and we and we were all in love with her, proudly, self-importantly, all hoped to be chosen by her to rinse the blackboards or fetch chalk from the stowage (Pages 212-213).Miss Johnson is the most important symbol in the play because the hope that the narrator feels for his life to be better is planted by the existence of Miss Johnson, and his loving thoughts towards her. Miss Johnson non only represents hope, but she also represents acceptance of the narrator. Miss Johnson is one of the few, if not the only one who accepts the narrator in this short story.She shows her acceptance of the boy when he stays inside during recess with her to service of process her with a bulletin board in the classroom she began to hum some verse softly to herself as if she had forgotten that I was standing beneath her and it made me feel oddly relieved to be interpreted for granted like that, to have been raddled unthinkingly into the small private bailiwick of Miss Johnsons aloneness as if there were nothing strange or remarkable about me (Page 213).The acceptance towards the narrator that Miss Johnson represents is another reason why Miss Johnson is the most important symbol in the short story. Miss Johnson is not only a teacher in the story, she is also a significant symbol which represents important themes in the short story including acceptance for the narrator hope for the narrator, and the straddle that connects the narrator to the children in his class. Without Miss Johnson no(prenominal) of these themes would be apparent, and the boy would have picayune hope for the future. Miss Johnson is a polar symbol in this short story. discover alsoMoon By Chaim Potok
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